Monday, June 30, 2014

Gone fishing...

  So its been a while since I have posted on here. I've been out exploring and experiencing what life has so graciously given to me. Summertime is my favorite!!!
   I can't say enough how learning to live in the moment has freed me from so many of my own difficulties. I used to live in the past or the future. For example, these were my thoughts constantly "this has happened to me before I know how it will end (and not even start) or this isn't going anywhere so why even put myself through it". So many missed opportunities to find joy in the present. Letting go of what was and letting in what might be are the words I have to live by. I mean don't get me wrong no one wants to feel heartbreak or sadness but how will we ever grow and learn acceptance if we don't allow ourselves to feel.  News flash,  it happened before, and it will happen again. BUT building an inner strength to push through and find the positive lesson of each moment and how it molds us to be better, willing people in this world.
 I am surrounded with amazing people in my life who I cant help but feel so incredibly humbled to have crossed path with let alone make memories with. Each and every one has taught me so much about who I am and strive to be. My heart is so full! It brings me to happy tears!
   Acceptance my friends. Acceptance. Find out who you are, what your role is in each life you encounter, accept it and then go be happy!!!! Have a great time doing it! Enjoy the ride!

Monday, June 9, 2014


      This transformation in life has brought all kinds of people in and out. I can rest assured knowing I have amazing, loyal and respectful friends. I may not see them all the time or even have the same type of "friendship" with each person but they are the best. I strive to keep a positive attitude about me and attract people with the same. Continued thankfulness for each and every person that I have the opportunity to share my life with. The differences in each of us are embraced.
     The differences allow me to keep an open mind. To realize the struggles we each face in this, at times, cruel world. It is safe to say that I once was very strong and unwavering on my views on certain topics, but that lead me to be so closed off to experiencing true friendship and dare I say love.  To have opened my heart to new experiences, my heart smiles. I've never felt more alive.
     Speaking of love, it has finally occurred to me that love is given and received in so many forms. As a mother unconditional love is my most familiar type given and received. I found myself "googling" types of love. You should too. Of course Wikipdia has a great read on the 4 loves. I was so intrigued by the love between friends. It states "so few actually experienced true friendship". I must say I am one of those. Maybe it comes with age and lessons learned but respect is, I feel, the biggest part of a friendship. Respect in opinions, differences, agree to disagree at times. Quit possibly one does not know true friends until life has been turned upside down or on the flip side of that at the happiest of moments. What about the everyday of it? Who's in it for the long haul? Its almost a type of marriage between people. Something to think about. I ask you to take a minute today and thank your friends. Tell them you appreciate them in your life. All too often we forget to show gratitude for the things that have been so freely given to us. Spread the love!